(浙江大学药物生物技术研究所,杭州 310058)

摘 要:摘 要:微生物合成生物学的重要内容包括挖掘和解析生物合成系统的基本元件,设计和构建具有优良特性的底盘细胞,为微生物药物的高效生物合成奠定理论基础,为微生物药物产业化和新药创制提供强大的支撑。综述了链霉菌较小基因组细胞( 底盘) 的构建方法、评估、应用等相关研究,提出了链霉菌较小基因组细胞系统设计理念、高版本工业链霉菌底盘构建思路及其评估体系,并探讨了高版本工业链霉菌底盘高效生物合成重要植物源化合物( 青蒿素、紫杉醇、番茄红素等) 的产业应用前景。

Progress and prospect of genome-minimized Streptomyces hosts
BU Qing-Ting, MAO Xu-Ming, CHEN Xin-Ai, LI Yong-Quan*
(Institute of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Microbial synthetic biology aims to discover and dissect basic elements, design and construct chassis cells with excellent properties. These researches will not only lay a theoretical foundation for high-efficient
    biosynthesis of drugs or natural products, but also provide great support for industrialization of new drugs or drug discovery. Here, we review the strategies to construct, evaluate and exploit genome-reduced Streptomyces hosts. Furthermore, we propose our idea for how to design, build and test genome-minimized Streptomyces cells systematically and rationally. This review also probes into industrial application prospect of high-efficient biosynthesis of valuable plant drugs like artemisinin, paclitaxel, lycopene by super Streptomyces chassis.

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