李玉波,袁 鸣,巩 培*
(内蒙古农业大学生命科学学院,纳米生物医学研究中心,呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:摘 要:噬菌体展示是筛选高亲和性短肽适体的有效技术,其最初主要用于鉴定蛋白质的适体,但目前该技术被越来越多地用于鉴定选择性结合多种高亲和性底物的适体,这些底物包括天然聚合物、合成聚合物以及各种有机小分子。经此鉴定出的肽适体具有强选择性、高亲和性结合目的底物的能力,且可调节与底物界面间的相互作用。现在对利用噬菌体展示技术鉴定出的与软物质底物结合的不同肽适体进行综述。

Progress on the identification of soft matter-peptide ligands using phage display
LI Yu-Bo, YUAN Ming, GONG Pei*
(Nano Biomedical Research Center, College of Life Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010010, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Phage display is an effective technology for the selection of short peptide ligands with high affinity. While it was originally used for the identification of ligands to proteins, phage display technology nowadays has been also increasingly applied to identify ligands that selectively bind with high affinity to a broad range of other substrates including natural and biological polymers as well as a variety of low molecular weight organic molecules. The peptide ligands have strong selectivity, high affinity to bind to the substrate of interest, and facilitates interactions at materials interfaces.This article provided an overview of the identified different peptide ligands that bind to these soft matter targets by using phage display technology.

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