毕燕会1,2,卫宁宁1,李佳莉1,王 震1,许 玲1,周志刚1,3*
(1 上海海洋大学水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室,上海 201306;2 上海海洋大学水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海 201306;3 上海海洋大学海洋生物科学国际联合研究中心,上海 201306)

摘 要:摘 要:与大型海洋红藻和绿藻相比,褐藻的生产力最大。碳是构成生物质的主要元素,它在海水中的主要存在形式是HCO–3;而HCO–3如何进入褐藻细胞而被光合同化为生物质,是人们一直在探讨的问题。综述了迄今为止有关褐藻对无机碳利用的研究结果,指出由碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase, CA) 介导的HCO–3应是褐藻从海水环境中获取无机碳的主要途径。鉴于微藻细胞内不同细胞器之间存在无机碳转运的事实,褐藻CA 在此过程中也起着不可忽视的作用。基于对不同褐藻CA 活性的检测结果推测,CA 应分布于细胞的不同部位,至少存在于胞内和周质空间中,以应对细胞内外界环境的变化。对不同亚型的CA 在褐藻细胞乃至组织中时空分布格局的研究,是探讨褐藻细胞如何获取并高效利用无机碳的关键。

The role of carbonic anhydrase in inorganic carbon acquisition    and utilization by brown seaweeds
BI Yan-Hui1,2, WEI Ning-Ning1, LI Jia-Li1, WANG Zhen1, XU Ling1, ZHOU Zhi-Gang1,3*
(1 Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources of Ministry of Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2 National Demonstration Center for the Experimental Teaching of Fisheries Science,
    Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 3 International Research Center for Marine Biosciences of Ministry of Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In comparison with red and green macroalgae, brown one has the largest biomass per unit area. Carbon is the main element of biomass. How inorganic carbon enters brown macroalgal cells and consequently is used for fixation by photosynthesis is an open problem that we want to know. Up to date, a large amount of investigations on the utilization of inorganic carbon by brown macroalgae have shown that HCO–3 mediated by carbonic anhydrase (CA) should be the main way for brown macroalgae to obtain inorganic carbon from marine environment. The fact that inorganic carbon can be interconverted and transported through the organelle membrane in microalgae cells suggested that brown macroalgal CA might play an important role in this process. The detected CA activity in different brown macroalgae suggested that CA should be distributed in different compartments of the cell, at least in the intracellular and periplasmic spaces, thus in response to the intracellular and intercellular changes. At last, it was pointed out that the spatial and temporal distribution pattern of CA in brown macroalgal cells and tissues was the key to explore how to obtain and utilize inorganic carbon efficiently by brown seaweeds.

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