刘 倩1,2,范誉川1,2,刘重慧1,2,魏 涛1,2*
(1 北京联合大学生物活性物质与功能食品北京市重点实验室,北京 100191;
    2 北京联合大学生物化学工程学院,北京 100191)

摘 要:摘 要:肠道菌群是人体的重要组成部分,在物质代谢、免疫应答等方面起着重要作用,目前对其组成和功能研究已成为热点。模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫因其结构简单、生活周期短、便于制备无菌个体等特性,在肠道菌群与机体共生关系及功能研究方面受到广泛应用。现就秀丽线虫在肠道菌群功能研究方面的应用进行综述。

Caenorhabditis elegans as a model to study the host-gut microbiota metabolic interactions
LIU Qian1,2, FAN Yu-Chuan1,2, LIU Chong-Hui1,2, WEI Tao1,2*
(1 Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substances and Functional Foods, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191, China; 2 College of Biochemical Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The gut microbiota has been regarded as an indispensable organ in regard to its critical functions in substance metabolism, immune response, etc. Recently, the compositions and functions of gut microbiota have become hot research spots. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is widely used as a model system for studying host-microbiota interactions because of simple structure, short life span, easy to preparation of germ-free body and so on. Here, we summarize recent findings obtained with this model that demonstrate its utility in examining hostmicrobiota interactions.

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