熊佳新1,嵇保中1*,刘曙雯2,王 怡1
(1 南京林业大学林学院,南方现代林业协同创新中心,南京 210037;2 南京中山陵园管理局,南京 210014)

摘 要:摘 要:5- 羟色胺广泛分布于昆虫神经系统和外围组织,调控多种生理过程和行为。研究表明,5- 羟色胺可以降低昆虫取食量,促进嗉囊的收缩;5- 羟色胺可以和多巴胺协同调控昆虫唾液的分泌,分别形成唾液的蛋白质和非蛋白质成分。5- 羟色胺与多巴胺、保幼激素协同作用可以促进中华马蜂、美洲大蠊的卵成熟发育,还可与章鱼胺、直肠肽等协同调控多种昆虫输卵管的收缩。在昆虫生殖行为方面,5- 羟色胺的调控主要表现为增强对性信息素的反应、抑制交尾后行为和维持生殖滞育。5- 羟色胺通过诱导聚集行为调控蝗虫的型变,还与章鱼胺等信号分子协同调节蜜蜂、蚂蚁等社会性昆虫胚后发育和行为多型。5- 羟色胺对昆虫取食、生殖及非遗传多型的调控机理还需深入研究。

The role of 5-HT in feeding, reproduction and polyphenism of the insects
XIONG Jia-Xin1, JI Bao-Zhong1*, LIU Shu-Wen2, WANG Yi1
(1 Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2 The Administration Bureau of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum, Nanjing 210014, China)

Abstract: Abstract: 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is widely distributed in the nervous system and peripheral tissues, regulating various physiological processes and behaviors. Studies have proved that 5-HT can decrease feeding amount and induce crop contraction in insect. 5-HT and dopamine (DA) can stimulate the secretion of saliva with the proteinaceous components and the non-proteinaceous components, respectively. Cooperating with DA and juvenile hormone, 5-HT can promote the oocyte maturation of Polistes chinensis and Periplaneta americana. Moreover,5-HT can also modulate oviducts contraction with the common efforts of octopamine (OA), proctolin and other substances in many insects. In terms of reproductive behaviors of insect, regulation functions of 5-HT are mainly manifested by enhancing the response to female sex pheromone, inhibiting the post-copulatory behaviors and maintaining reproductive diapause. 5-HT regulates phase transition by inducing behavioral gregarization in locusts. 5-HT can also cooperate with OA and other signaling molecules to regulate the postembryonic development and polyethism of social insects such as bees and ants. The regulatory mechanisms of 5-HT on insect’s feeding, reproduction and polyphenism still need further research and investigation.

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