徐春春,纪 龙,陈中督,方福平*
(中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006)

摘 要:摘 要:我国水稻生产依靠资源消耗的粗放经营方式没有根本改变,水稻生产绿色发展刚刚起步。该文在全面剖析我国水稻产业发展形势的基础上,深入分析了水稻生产绿色发展的必要性和紧迫性,总结了我国水稻绿色发展的做法与措施,介绍了发达国家推进农业绿色发展的主要举措,最后提出了促进我国水稻生产绿色发展的措施建议。

Trends of green development of rice production in China
XU Chun-Chun, JI Long, CHEN Zhong-Du, FANG Fu-Ping*
(China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Rice production in China is still dominated by the traditional extensive mode which depends largely on the input of natural resources. In recent years, the green production mode is being proposed for rice. Based on analysis of the development trends of the rice industry in China, this paper discussed the necessity and urgency to adopt green production strategies in rice production. Further, we summarized the practices for green development of rice production in China, as well as the major measures for green development in agriculture in developed countries.Finally, we put forward suggestions for the green development for rice production in China.

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