《生命科学》 2018, 30(10): 1129-1136
摘 要:摘 要:当前中国水稻生产面临作物高产优质、资源高效、环境安全等多方面的挑战,生产方式逐步转变为规模化、机械化和轻简化,生产目标由单一的高产转型为“高产、优质、高效、生态、安全”。现简要总结中国水稻栽培技术的变革历程,由最初高产栽培经验的理论总结到现在的高产高效栽培技术体系;阐述绿色高产栽培的内涵,未来水稻栽培需因地制宜地开展模式创新;并介绍三种绿色高效栽培模式( 再生稻、双季稻双直播和双水双绿模式) 的研究进展。
Abstract: Abstract: Rice production in China faces several challenges, including simultaneous improvement in grain yield and quality, efficient utilization of resources, and environmental protection. Large-scale, mechanized and simplified management practices are replacing the traditional one. In addition to high yield, the objectives of future rice production also include high quality, high efficiency, environment-friendly, and food safety. In this review paper, we briefly summarized the development course of rice cultivation from the previous high yield cultivation experiences to the current high yield and high efficiency management theory. The concept of green and high-yield cultivation was proposed, and in the future, site-specific farming system should be developed and innovated. In the end, research progress in three green and high efficiency production systems, namely the ratoon rice, the direct-seeded double-season rice, and the rice-crayfish system was introduced.