(上海市农业生物基因中心,上海 201106)

摘 要:摘 要:节水抗旱稻是指结合了水稻的高产优质和旱稻的节水抗旱特性的新的栽培稻品种类型。不同的遗传资源在不同的抗旱性上表现优势,培育节水抗旱稻要充分注意整合避旱性、耐旱性和水分利用效率。长期的育种实践和组学研究表明,水旱稻配组结合大田强胁迫鉴定和选择是培育节水抗旱稻的有效途径。目前,旱优73、沪旱61 等不同类型的节水抗旱稻新品种在生产上推广应用展示了广阔的前景,既可在中低产田中实现旱种旱管、增产稳产,又可在高产田节水栽培、少施化肥农药,大幅度减少面源污染。

Development of water-saving and drought-resistance rice (WDR)
LUO Li-Jun
(Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center, Shanghai 201106, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Water-saving and drought-resistance rice (WDR) refers to a new type of cultivated rice combined both high yields potential and acceptable grain quality as current paddy rice, as well as water saving and drought resistance as traditional upland rice. It is important to integrate the drought avoidance, drought tolerance and high water use efficiency (WUE) together in WDR breeding as different germplasm resources have advantage in different kind of drought resistance. The breeding history and genomics studies have indicated that the paddy rice and upland rice hybridization breeding with identification and strong selection in field stress is an effective approach to develop WDR. Several WDR varieties, such as Hanyou 73 and Huhan 61 were registered and released to farmers and show promising application prospects in production.

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