王 跃,毛开云,王恒哲,范月蕾,于建荣*
(中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:随着人口转变和社会经济发展,人口老龄化已成为世界性问题。我国是世界上人口老龄化程度比较高的国家之一,老年人口数量最多,老龄化速度最快,应对人口老龄化任务最重。与此相应地,慢性疾病正日益成为威胁我国人民群众健康的重要因素。与此同时,虽然我国大健康产业在过去几年里获得了较快增长,但整体上仍与发达国家存在很大差距。现通过梳理和分析当前我国大健康产业的现状及其面临的挑战,同时分析推进我国大健康产业发展的驱动因素,为我国大健康产业发展提供参考。

Facing ageing and chronic diseases, promoting the development of China’s big healthcare industry
WANG Yue, MAO Kai-Yun, WANG Heng-Zhe, FAN Yue-Lei, YU Jian-Rong*
(Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: With the huge demographic shift and the development of social economy, the ageing population has become a worldwide problem. As one of the countries with the highest degree of ageing population in the world, with the largest number and the fastest speed of ageing population, China faces severe challenges in coping with the ageing problem. Correspondingly, chronic diseases are increasingly becoming an important factor threatening the health of Chinese people. At the same time, although China's big healthcare industry has gained rapid growth in the past few years, it still has a big gap with the developed countries as a whole. Through analyzing the current situation of China's big healthcare industry and the challenges ahead, as well as the driving factors that promoting its development, this paper provides a reference for the development of China's big healthcare industry.

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