(1 延边大学临床医学院,延吉 133000;2 延边医院西区医院,延吉 133000)

摘 要:摘 要:作为当前威胁人类生命的常见癌症之一,结肠癌的复发与转移严重影响了患者的预后,而近年来肿瘤干细胞理论的兴起则为肿瘤治疗提供了全新的思路。在结肠癌中,结肠癌干细胞不仅参与肿瘤的复发与转移,同时,还能引起癌细胞对化疗药产生耐药性。因其生长依赖于多种信号通路的作用,故靶向结肠癌干细胞生长所需的信号通路将成为未来根治结肠癌的重要研究方向。现就目前关于结肠癌干细胞信号通路的分子靶向抑制剂研究进展及结肠癌干细胞与化疗药耐药性的关系作一综述。

Colon cancer stem cells: singnaling pathways inhibitors and drug resistance
DONG Ya-Ping1, PENG Xiao-Dong1, PIAO Cheng-Gang2*
(1 Clinical Medical College, Yanbian University, Yanji 133000, China; 2 West Hospital, Yanbian Hospital, Yanji 133000, China)

Abstract: Abstract: As one of the most common cancers threatening human life and health, the recurrence and metastasis of colon cancer can bring a severely adverse influence on the prognosis of patients, while a fire-new idea to oncotherapy is born after the advent of the theory of cancer stem cells. In colon cancer, the colon cancer stem cells are not only involved in the poor prognosis of patients, but also induce the chemotherapeutic drugs resistance. Because the growth of colon cancer stem cells depends on various signaling pathways, targeting the pathways that are necessary for their survival may be an important method to the radical treatment of colon cancer in future. This review focuses on the research progress of the molecular inhibitors targeting signaling pathways of colon cancer stem cells and the relationship between colon cancer stem cells and chemotherapeutic drugs resistance.

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