(天津商业大学生物技术与食品科学学院,天津 300134)

摘 要:摘 要:副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus) 能够通过Ⅲ型分泌系统(type Ⅲsecretion systems, T3SSs) 分泌效应蛋白VopS,催化三磷酸腺苷(ATP) 分子中的单磷酸腺苷(AMP) 通过磷酸二酯键共价连接至宿主细胞Rho 鸟苷三磷酸激酶(Rho GTPases) 成员蛋白RhoA、Rac1 和Cdc42 的特定的苏氨酸残基上,导致宿主细胞肌动蛋白骨架崩解,细胞变圆。该发现推动了一种蛋白质翻译后修饰方式——单磷酸腺苷酸化(AMPylation) 修饰的迅速发展,其中催化AMPylation 修饰的蛋白质称为单磷酸腺苷酸化酶(AMPylator)。目前的研究表明,与蛋白质的磷酸化修饰类似,蛋白质AMPylation 在真核以及原核生物中都是一种重要的调控蛋白质功能的翻译后共价修饰调节机制。与AMPylation 相对应的是去单磷酸腺苷酸化(de-AMPylation),即去单磷酸腺苷酸化酶(de-AMPylase) 催化修饰后的蛋白质脱去AMP 基团的过程,使底物蛋白重新恢复其原有的生物学功能。现就蛋白质AMPylation 修饰的催化过程、AMPylation 修饰的研究进展以及AMPylator/de-AMPylase 的种类、物种来源、结构、功能和底物等方面的内容进行综合阐述。此外,就目前已有的AMPylation 检测方法进行了总结,其中详细阐述了一种化学标记法的原理和过程。

AMPylation: a post-translational modification
HU Shuang-Yan, ZHANG Chun-Chen, RUAN Hai-Hua*
(College of Food Science and Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The Vibrio parahaemolyticus effector VopS, injected by T3SS (type III secretion systems, T3SSs), is implicated in cell rounding and collapse of the actin cytoskeleton by inhibiting Rho guanosine triphosphatases (Rho GTPases). VopS acts to covalently add a conserved threonine residue on Rho, Rac and Cdc42 with adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) derived from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by phosphodiester bond. This discovery prompts the development of a type of protein modification named AMPylation and the proteins catalyzing AMPylation were called AMPylators. Present studies indicate that AMPylation similar to phosphorylation is emerging as a significant regulatory mechanism of protein functions by post-translational modification in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic biology. Corresponding to AMPylation, de-AMPylation is the process that de-AMPylases catalyze protein-AMP to remove AMP group, thereby recovering substrate proteins' original biological functions. Herein are described the chemical process for AMPylation, progress of AMPylation development and the data of AMPylators/de-AMPylases including their kinds, origin of species, substrates, structural features, and enzyme kinetics. Moreover, in this paper, the existing methods used for detecting AMPylation are summarized and we in detail state a method of chemical reporter.

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