徐 然1,2,邵 弘3,朱 静4*
(1 南通大学医学院,南通 226000;2 淮安市医药生物技术研究所淮安市消化道肿瘤重点实验室,淮安 223001;3 南京师范大学,南京 210000;4 南京医科大学附属淮安第一医院,淮安 223001)

摘 要:摘 要:细胞自噬(autophagy) 是一种依赖于溶酶体清除并回收折叠错误、受损、变性或衰老的蛋白质或细胞器的机制。正常细胞可通过自噬过程来维持物质代谢、内环境稳态及基因组完整性。细胞自噬功能的紊乱与多种疾病的发生发展密切相关。近年来,大量研究表明,人类多种肿瘤细胞中存在着异常的自噬机制,并且自噬在肿瘤的发生发展中扮演着重要的角色。在不同类型的肿瘤细胞或肿瘤的不同阶段中,自噬所产生的作用是不同,甚至是相反的。现主要探讨自噬在不同的肿瘤发生发展阶段中的调控作用,讨论自噬与肿瘤细胞代谢及耐药性的关系,并总结近年来通过靶向自噬来治疗肿瘤的研究进展。

Regulation of autophagy in tumor cells and application of targeting autophagy in cancer
XU Ran1,2, SHAO Hong3, ZHU Jing4*
(1 Medical School of Nantong University, Nantong 226000, China; 2 Huai’an Key Laboratory of Gastrointestinal Cancer, Huai’an Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Huai’an 223001, China; 3 Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210000, China; 4 The Affiliated Huai’an No.1 People’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huai’an 223001, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that delivers cellular materials to lysosomes for degradation, leading to the breakdown and eventual turnover of the resulting macromolecules. Autophagy plays a wide variety of physiological and pathophysiological roles, and aberrations in autophagy have been observed in many diseases. Recent progress has demonstrated that the disorder of autophagy is closely related to the formation and development of some malignant tumors. Here, we focus on the cell and molecular biology of mammalian autophagy and review the regulation of autophagy in tumor metabolism and drug resistance. Finally, we discuss the data from published autophagy trials in cancer and some of the insights these have provided.

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