陈慧敏,马 婧,刘晓莉,乔德才*
(北京师范大学体育与运动学院,北京 100875)

摘 要:摘 要:γ- 氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA) 是纹状体(striatum, Str) 中重要的抑制性神经递质,介导了纹状体中绝大部分抑制性的神经传递。根据纹状体接收的GABA 来源不同将其分为:来自苍白球(globus pallidus, GP) 和黑质(substantia nigra, SN) 的外源性GABA 能神经投射,以及来自纹状体MSNs 和中间神经元的内源性GABA 能神经投射。GABA 能抑制性投射通过影响纹状体的神经调控网络来调节和控制运动行为,多种运动功能障碍性疾病的发生都与纹状体的GABA 能抑制性神经投射异常有关。现以GABA 为切入点,对GABA 能抑制性神经投射对纹状体功能的调节作用进行综述。

The role of GABAergic projection in regulating striatal functions
CHEN Hui-Min, MA Jing, LIU Xiao-Li, QIAO De-Cai*
(College of P.E and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: Abstract: GABA, as an important inhibitory neurotransmitter, mediates most of the inhibitory neurotransmission in the striatum. According to the different sources of GABA received by the striatum, GABAergic inputs are divided into: exogenous GABAergic projection from the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra, as well as endogenous GABAergic projection from MSNs and striatal GABAergic interneurons. GABAergic inhibitory inputs regulate and control movement through affecting the neural network in the striatum, and the occurrence of multiple dyskinesia diseases are related to the abnormal striatal GABAergic inhibitory proiection. In this paper, the role of GABAergic inhibitory projection in regulating striatal functions is reviewed with GABA as an entry point.

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