《生命科学》 2018, 30(4): 431-439
摘 要:摘 要:RNA 甲基化修饰是表观转录组学重要的研究内容。在已经发现的超过100 种不同的RNA 化学修饰中,6-甲基腺嘌呤(m6A) 是mRNA 上最丰富的内部修饰。RNA 甲基化修饰受到甲基转移酶、去甲基化酶以及m6A识别蛋白质的动态调控,与基因表达调控密切相关。RNA甲基化修饰失调可导致RNA功能紊乱,甚至一系列病理效应。现主要介绍几种较为常见的RNA 甲基化修饰,并对其与病理效应的相关性进行归纳总结。
Abstract: Abstract: RNA methylation represents a new layer in epitranscriptomic regulations on gene expression. Over 100 types of chemical modifications have been identified in cellular RNAs, and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most
abundant internal modification occurred on RNA. The cellular abundance of m6A depends on the functional interplay among methyltransferase, demethylase, and m6A binding proteins. It has been established that RNA methylation has broad and important roles in nearly every aspect of the mRNA life cycle, therefore affecting gene expression. Abnormal m6A levels induced by defects in RNA epitranscriptomic factors may lead to dysfunction of mRNA and cause diseases. In this short review, we mainly focus on several major RNA methylations and the
correlation between RNA modifications and pathologic effects.