(中国科学院北京基因组研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要:摘 要:哺乳动物DNA 去甲基化参与基因表达的调控,是维持生命活动必不可少的一环。甲基化及去甲基化动态平衡的紊乱可能会导致机体生长发育异常,以及多种疾病甚至癌症的发生。随着基因组学测序分析技术的进步,人们已能够监测DNA 去甲基化相关修饰在不同时期多个部位的动态变化,并逐渐揭示其调控功能。该文主要介绍哺乳动物中由TET/TDG 介导的DNA 去甲基化过程及中间产物,其在胚胎发育、癌症发生过程中的调控机制,以及现阶段可对其进行检测的测序分析技术。

DNA demethylation and biological function in mammals
ZHANG Xiao-Yun, CHANG Ren-Bao, HAN Da-Li*
(Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Abstract: DNA demethylation is essential for regulating gene expression and sustaining life activity. Dysregulation of the balance between DNA methylation and demethylation may leads to abnormal development, diseases and cancers. With the development of sequencing technology, the dynamic changes of demethylation have been profiled genome-widely to investigate regulatory functions. In this review, we focus on the DNA demethylation process mediated by TET/TDG in mammals, discuss the mechanism of DNA demethylation regulation in key biology processes such as embryogenesis and tumorigenesis and the development of new sequencing technologies.

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