(深圳市慢性病防治中心,深圳 518020)

摘 要:摘 要:外泌体是一种由细胞分泌的膜性囊泡小体,存在于多种体液、分泌物和排泄物中,形成一种特殊的细胞间信息传递系统或病理表征,其携带的mRNA、miRNA 和蛋白质等生物分子可作为疾病诊断的新型标志物。建立稳定而成熟的外泌体分离与鉴定方法是进行外泌体及其生物医学意义研究的前提。目前的外泌体分离技术包括离心、沉淀、超滤、免疫亲和及微流控等技术。鉴定技术主要基于电子显微形态学、颗粒大小及浓度的纳米示踪、蛋白质免疫印迹、流式细胞术等。现对这些技术进展进行综述,这将有助于研究者结合自身条件选择合适的方法获取外泌体,以开展相关研究。

Research progress on isolation and identification of exosomes
GONG Chun-Mei, XU Yuan-Fei, ZHOU Ji-Chang*
(Shenzhen Center for Chronic Disease Control, Shenzhen 518020, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Exosomes are membranous vesicles secreted by cells, which exist in a variety of body fluids, secretions and excretions to form a special intercellular signal transduction system or a pathological phenomenon. Biomolecules (mRNAs, miRNAs, proteins, etc.) contained in exosomes can be used as new markers for disease diagnosis. The establishment of stable and mature methods for the isolation and identification of exosomes is a prerequisite for the study of exosomes and their biomedical significance. The current methods of exosomes isolation include centrifugation, precipitation, ultrafiltration, immunoaffinity, and microfluidic technology. Identification techniques are mainly based on electron microscopic morphology, particle size of the nano-tracer, protein immunoblotting, flow cytometry, and so on. This review on these technological advances will help researchers to select the appropriate method to obtain exosomes under their available experimental conditions for relevant studies.

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