(廊坊师范学院生命科学学院,廊坊 065000)

摘 要:摘 要:哺乳动物精子经过雌性生殖道与卵子发生融合完成受精过程,需要正常的精子运动能力作为保障。超激活运动可以帮助精子穿透卵子透明带,与卵子发生结合形成受精卵。精子超激活运动的激发和维持是通过自身生理和雌性生殖道内生化环境共同调节完成的。“超激活运动”自发现起到现在已成为生殖学研究的重要部分,现对精子超激活运动与受精的关系、调节因子、鞭毛结构、技术手段及未来研究方向进行综述,为男性不育及避孕等相关临床研究提供理论依据。

Research progress of hyperactivation of mammalian sperm
HU Qi-Meng
(College of Life Science, Langfang Teacher’s University, Langfang 065000, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The sperms of mammal need normal kinetism to pass through female reproductive tract to fertilize with the egg. The hyperactivated sperm can penetrate the zona pellucida of the egg to combine with the egg to form oosperm. Activation and maintenance of the hyperactivation of sperm are accomplished through the combination of their own physiology and the biochemical environment within the female reproductive tract. From the introduction of “hyperactivation” to now, it has been one of the most important parts of the reproductive physiology research. This review discusses the relationship between hyperactivation and fertilization, the known structures of flagellum, regulatory factors, technology to analyse the movement of hyperactivated sperm, and the main investigating fields in the future to provide theoretical reference for sterility and contraception.

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