娄仕高,鲁 涛∗
(云南大学,云南省微生物研究所,昆明 650091)

摘 要:摘 要:日益严重的细菌抗药性已成为人类健康的重要威胁,而更加全面深入地了解抗生素杀菌机制可以帮助我们更好地应对细菌抗药性问题。研究表明, ROS 在抗生素的杀菌过程中起重要作用,涉及细菌胞内复杂的生理反应。现总结ROS 在抗生素杀菌过程中作用机制及应用方面的一些最新研究进展,以期为寻找新的方法增强现有抗生素杀菌效果及开发新型药物提供一个新的视角。

The mechanism of action of ROS in the antibiotic lethality and its applications
LOU Shi-Gao, LU Tao∗
(Yunnan Institute of Microbiology, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The ever-growing antibiotic resistance has posed a serious threat to human health. The comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the bactericidal mechanism of antibiotics would help us tackle the problem. Studies show that ROS play an important role in the process of antimicrobial lethality, in which complex physiological responses are involved. Herein we summarized the recent advance of studies on the mechanism and applications of ROS action during antimicrobial treatment, which would provide a new perspective for finding new ways to enhance the antimicrobial lethality of currently available antibiotics and for developing novel antibiotics.

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