李春玲1,2,吴 康1,3,范小勇1,2,3*
(1 上海市(复旦大学附属)公共卫生临床中心,上海 201508;2 温州医科大学检验医学院生命科学学院,温州 325035;3 上海市新发与再现传染病研究所结核病研究中心,上海 201508)

摘 要:摘 要:氧化应激是指机体内产生过多的氧化物质,超出其抗氧化能力而引起的一种氧化与抗氧化失衡状态。结核病是由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的一种慢性炎症疾病,其感染程度及炎症反应的发生发展与氧化应激水平具有密切关系。正确认识并了解氧化应激与结核病之间的关系,不仅可为结核病诊断提供一些新型生物标志物或新思路,对于结核病的治疗及预后监测也具有重要的临床意义。

Oxidative stress and tuberculosis
LI Chun-Ling1,2, WU Kang1,3, FAN Xiao-Yong1,2,3*
(1 Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University, Shanghai 201508, China; 2 School of Laboratory Medicine and Life Science, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325035, China; 3 TB Center, Shanghai Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease Institute, Shanghai 201508, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Oxidative stress is an imbalance status between oxidants and antioxidants when the host produces the excessive oxidants which exceed its antioxidant capacity. Tuberculosis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and the severity of infection and the progression of inflammation are closely associated with the oxidative stress. A better understanding of the relationship between oxidative stress and tuberculosis is of great importance for tuberculosis diagnosis and prognosis monitor and may provide some new biomarkers or ideas for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

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