蔡 婷,邱金馨,邱 菊*
(中国科学院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:天然淋巴细胞(innate lymphoid cell, ILC) 是固有免疫细胞的亚群,在炎症的引发、进展及缓解中起关键作用。ILC 被发现存在于人外周血、人和动物的实质器官及黏膜组织中,并与多种免疫细胞( 包括T细胞、B 细胞、抗原提呈细胞) 及非免疫细胞存在交互对话;在感染性疾病、肿瘤及自身免疫病中发挥重要作用。主要综述ILC 中各亚群的发育、功能、与疾病的关系,及基于ILC 已有的细胞治疗进展,旨在探讨ILC 作为新的细胞治疗手段的可行性、技术方法及临床价值。

Prospect of applying innate lymphoid cells for immune cell therapy
CAI Ting, QIU Jin-Xin, QIU Ju*
(Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Innate lymphoid cells (ILC), subsets of the innate immune cells, play important roles in initiation, development and resolution of inflammation. ILCs are found to exist in human peripheral blood, as well as organs and mucosal tissues of humans and mice. ILCs also have intensive crosstalk with immune (T cell, B cell and antigen presenting cells) and non-immune cells and play fundamental roles in infectious diseases, tumor and autoimmune diseases. Here, we summarize recent findings on the development, function of ILCs and the impact of ILC on diseases. We also discuss the prospect, techniques and clinical significance of cell therapies based on ILCs at present and in the future.

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