王晓敏1,于爱萍2,王国宝2,刘亚丰3,蒋 苏2*,徐文东2
(1 上海市静安区中心医院复旦大学附属华山医院静安分院手及上肢外科,上海 200040;
    2 复旦大学附属华山医院手外科,上海 200040;3 武汉光电国家实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要:摘 要:光遗传学技术因其低组织损伤性、高时空分辨率以及遗传特异性等优势,虽然历史并不长,但却在近几年来成为最热门的技术之一, 并在神经科学研究中迅速被应用。视紫红质通道蛋白2(channelrhodopsin-2, ChR2) 作为光遗传学技术的代表性蛋白质之一,在系统神经科学领域中已成为非常理想的工具并取得了一系列突破性的进展。现针对ChR2 的背景、分子结构以及生理学功能,及其在体脑功能区绘图和在体神经功能调控的研究进展,进行综述及展望。

Application and outlook of channelrhodopsin-2 in system neuroscience
WANG Xiao-Min1, YU Ai-Ping2, WANG Guo-Bao2, LIU Ya-Feng3, JIANG Su2*, XU Wen-Dong2
(1 The Department of Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Jing'an District Centre Hospital of Shanghai Huashan Hospital Fudan University Jing' An Branch Shanghai 200040, China; 2 Department of Hand Surgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China; 3 Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Optogenetics, a technique to precisely manipulate cell activity by genetically encoded light-sensitive proteins, has been widely and enthusiastically applied as a revolutionary tool in the field of neuroscience. As one of the most representational proteins, channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) has been regarded as a prominent tool that contributes to a series of breakthrough in the field of system neuroscience. In this paper, we review the discovery, molecular structure and function of ChR2. We also review the advances of using ChR2 to map cerebral functional connectivity and to study the modulation of neural function, with a prospect for its future application.

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