黄 适1,3,滕 飞1,3,杨 芳2,朱鹏飞1,3,苏晓泉1,3,马 波1,3,徐 健1,3*
(1 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所单细胞研究中心,青岛 266101;2 青岛市市立医院口腔医学中心,青岛 266000;3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

摘 要:摘 要:口腔亚健康是指口腔处于健康与疾病状态之间的一种状态,其灵敏辨别与准确检测对于维护儿童和成人群体的身心健康均具重大意义。最新研究表明,口腔共生菌群的特异性结构或功能变化可先于口腔临床症状出现,因此具备预测疾病发生的潜力。首先,综述了口腔菌群与口腔内生态位、宿主年龄、疾病状态等的关联,讨论了基于口腔菌群定义与检测牙齿、牙周组织的亚健康状态的现有证据及潜力;其次,以微生物组大数据和单细胞分析为例,探讨了新一代微生物组分析技术的最新进展和应用前景。基于微生物组的口腔亚健康状态检测与机制研究,将为口腔乃至全身的精准医疗与精准护理提供新思路和新工具。

Detection of sub-optimal state of oral health via oral microbiota
HUANG Shi1,3, TENG Fei1,3, YANG Fang2, ZHU Peng-Fei1,3, SU Xiao-Quan1,3, MA Bo1,3, XU Jian1,3*
(1 Single-Cell Center, Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266101, China; 2 Oral Research Center, Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao 266101, China; 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The state of “sub-optimal health” (SoH), an intermediate phase between the healthy state and the diseased state, is of crucial importance for promoting the wellbeing of both child and adult populations. Recent findings revealed that specific structural and functional alteration of oral microbiota can precede the emergence of clinical symptoms in oral cavity, suggesting oral microbiota can be employed for predicting disease onsets. Here we reviewed the correlation of oral microbiota with oral ecological niche, host development and type and state of oral infections, and discussed current evidence as well as the potential of defining and detecting SoH of both teeth and gum tissues via microbiota. Furthermore, we introduced the recent development of new-generation microbiota analysis technologies, using big-data platform and single-cell analysis as examples. Further studies that detect and dissect SoH based on oral microbiota will lead to new ways of thinking and novel solutions for precision medicine and personalized care of both oral ecosystem and whole human body.

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