任荣荣1,彭丽华1,王子恺1,夏 璐2,杨云生1*
(1 解放军总医院消化病中心,北京 100853;2 上海国际医学中心,上海 201318)

摘 要:摘 要:炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) 的发病率和患病率近年来在世界范围内呈持续上升趋势,其发病与遗传易感基因、免疫、肠道微生态、环境、饮食等多因素有关。近来的研究显示肠道微生态在其发病中起着关键作用,是目前重要的研究热点。现就IBD 患者肠道微生物的变化、肠道微生物在IBD 发生中的作用以及基于肠道微生态的治疗方法进行简要叙述。

Gut microbiota and inflammatory bowel disease
REN Rong-Rong1, PENG Li-Hua1, WANG Zi-Kai1, XIA Lu2, YANG Yun-Sheng1*
(1 Institute of Digestive Disease, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China; 2 Shanghai International Medical Center, Shanghai 201318, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are rising worldwide. The pathogenesis of IBD is multifactorial, involving host genetics, immune response, gut microbiota dysbiosis, environmental factors, diet, and so on. While the gut microbiota has been proposed to play a key role in disease pathogenesis, it has become a hotspot in recent years. Given this, the gut microbiome changes in IBD patients, the interaction between gut microbiome and host, and the treatment of IBD based on gut microbiota were briefly reviewed in this paper.

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