张卓航,李 平,周元国*
(第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验室分子生物学中心,重庆 400042)

摘 要:摘 要:光敏蛋白是光遗传学技术中的关键工具,与经典的光敏蛋白不同,光、氧、电压结构域(lightoxygen-voltage sensing domain, LOV) 光敏蛋白除本身具有生物学功能外,还能够在改造后与众多目标分子联合运用调控细胞信号进而影响细胞功能。然而,当前将LOV 作为光敏开关加以运用还不普遍。现拟重点对LOV 的作用机制和条件以及当前在调控细胞信号通路中的运用进行综述,为将LOV 应用于精确调控细胞信号提供参考。

Progress report on cell signal manipulation by LOV based optogenetic tools
ZHANG Zhuo-Hang, LI Ping, ZHOU Yuan-Guo*
(Molecular Biology Center, State Key Laboratory of Trauma, Burn and Combined Injury, Research Institute of Surgery and Daping Hospital, the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Photoreceptors play a pivotal role in the application of optogenetics. In contrast to classical photoreceptors, light-oxygen-voltage sensing domain (LOV) has its own biological functions and can be used in combination with numerous target molecules to modulate cell signaling and thereby influences cell functions. However, LOV is not widely used as a light-sensitive switch in optogenetic tool engineering currently. Here we summarize the working mechanism and conditions of LOV and its current applications in modulating cell signaling pathways, which will uncover potential aspects of LOV in cell signaling control.

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