李 坤1*,倪 崖2*
(1 浙江省医学科学院生殖生理实验室,杭州 310013;2 浙江省医学科学院生殖医学中心,杭州 310013)

摘 要:摘 要:哺乳动物精子从发生到具备受精能力到达受精部位是一个漫长的过程。在此过程的不同环境中存在可调控精子成熟和功能的胞外囊泡,这些胞外囊泡包括来自雄性生殖道内的附睾小体和前列腺小体,以及来自雌性生殖道内的阴道小体、输卵管小体及子宫小体。现介绍胞外囊泡的概况、生殖道内的胞外囊泡特征、精子摄取胞外囊泡的可能机制以及生殖道胞外囊胞研究的未来展望,以期更好地理解在受精过程中精子功能如何受胞外囊泡调控,为男性不育诊治提供线索。

Progress in the extracellular vesicles regulating maturation and functions of sperm in the reproductive tracts
LI Kun1*, NI Ya2*
(1 Department of Reproductive Physiology, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou 310013, China; 2 Center for Reproductive Medicine, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou 310013, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Mammalian sperm undergo a long journey from the spermatogenesis to fertilization at the suitable site. Through the passage, the maturation and functions of sperm are synchronized by communicating with different extracellular vesicles including epididymosomes and prostasomes in male reproductive tracts as well a oviductosomes, uterosomes and vaginosomes in female reproductive tracts. In this review, the summary of extracellular vesicles, the features of extracellular vesicles in reproductive tracts, the underlying mechanism of sperm uptake and the future of researches on the extracellular vesicles in reproductive tracts will be described. This article will gain insight into how sperm maturation and functions are regulated by extracellular vesicles in reproductive tracts and provide the potential clues for the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.

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