(中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所,北京 100021)

摘 要:摘 要:随着科学的进步与实验动物伦理管理的完善,动物实验的减少(reduction)、替代(replacement) 和优化(refinement) 的3R 原则日益被研究人员接受。实验动物替代的方法主要是用低等动物代替高等动物和用组织细胞或用计算机模拟等新方法代替实验动物。生物材料、基因编辑和微型生理系统等新技术,推动了脏器芯片(organ-on-a-chip) 和微器官培养(organoid cultures) 等3D 培养技术在实验动物替代中的应用。与传统方法相比,这些技术不仅可以用于毒理评价,还可以用于建立疾病模型来研究疾病发病过程,在阐明非遗传性疾病和复杂性疾病的发病机制方面具有优势,可以大幅减少实验动物的使用量,具有很好的应用前景。现对实验动物替代发展及其部分进展进行介绍。

Progress in the replacement of laboratory animals
GUAN Bo-Wen, LI Cheng-Cheng, MENG Ai-Min*
(Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Medical Collage, Beijing 100021, China)

Abstract: Abstract: With the progress of science and the improvement of the laboratory animal ethics, alleviating pain of laboratory animals is becoming increasingly important, and replacement of laboratory animals is exactly the solution. Replacement of laboratory animals mainly uses invertebrate to replace mammal or uses some new methods such as replacing with tissue cells or computer simulation. Such new technologies, like biomaterial, gene editing and microphysiological system, have promoted organ-on-a-chip and organoid cultures. Comparing with traditional methods, these technologies can not only be used in toxicity evaluation but also to establish disease models to investigate pathogenesis. It also has advantages on illuminating pathogenesis of non-genetic diseases and complex diseases, which can largely reduce usage of animals and have a great application prospect.

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