蔡 敬,孟小庆,董婷婷,李宗芸,韩永华*,朱明库*
(江苏师范大学生命科学学院,徐州 221116)

摘 要:摘 要:解旋酶广泛存在于从病毒到人类几乎所有已知的原核和真核生物体中,它们能利用NTP 水解获得能量促进双链DNA/RNA 解链。DEAD-box 解旋酶是最大的解旋酶家族,在DNA 复制、修复、重组、转录、核糖体发生和翻译起始等几乎所有涉及DNA/RNA 代谢的细胞过程中均发挥重要作用。近年研究表明,DEAD-box 解旋酶除具有持家基因功能外,还广泛参与植物生长发育及胁迫响应过程。目前,由解旋酶介导的胁迫应答具体机制依然不清晰。现重点介绍近年来高等植物DEAD-box 解旋酶在非生物胁迫响应中的功能研究进展,同时探讨解旋酶参与胁迫应答的可能机制。

Progress of plant DEAD-box helicase in response to abiotic stress
CAI Jing, MENG Xiao-Qing, DONG Ting-Ting, LI Zong-Yun, HAN Yong-Hua*, ZHU Ming-Ku*
(College of Life Science, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Helicase widely exists in almost all known prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms from viruses to humans,catalyzing the unwinding of duplex DNA/RNA depended on the energy of NTP. DEAD-box helicase is the largest helicase family, which plays important roles in almost all cellular processes involved in DNA/RNA metabolism such as DNA replication, repair, recombination, transcription, ribosome biogenesis and translation initiation. Recent studies showed that DEAD-box helicase not only functions as housekeeping genes, but also widely involves in plant growth and development and the response to stress. Presently, the specific mechanisms of stress response mediated by helicase remain unclear. This review introduced mainly the functions of DEAD-box helicase in response to abiotic stress in higher plants, and the possible mechanisms of helicase involved in stress response are also discussed.

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