钟晓明,申 晴,彭继光,李玉梅,李川昀*
(北京大学分子医学研究所,北京 100871)

摘 要:摘 要:恒河猴作为人类近缘的模式生物,在基础与转化医学研究中具有独特优势,但其应用受到功能基因组学数据匮乏、基因结构混乱、研究平台缺乏等限制。近年来,深度测序技术的发展为突破这些技术瓶颈提供了机遇。现综述在深度测序技术支撑下,以恒河猴为背景开展的基因组学与分子演化研究,以期抛砖引玉,推动非人灵长类领域的研究进程。

Understanding human biology in the genomic context of rhesus macaque
ZHONG Xiao-Ming, SHEN Qing, PENG Ji-Guang, LI Yu-Mei, LI Chuan-Yun*
(Institute of Molecular Medicine, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

Abstract: Abstract: With human-comparable genome sequence and the advantages as model animal, rhesus macaque poses a unique model in molecular and translational study of human diseases. Despite these unique advantages, several unresolved issues have limited the current use of the model--inadequate functional genomics annotations, errorprone gene models, and lack of a platform for visualizing and assessing high-throughput data. With the development of the deep sequencing technology, some of these key issues have been addressed these years. Here we summarized the monkey genomics and molecular evolution studies we performed in the deep sequencing era.

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