刘哲宇,孙 铮*
(大连医科大学中西医结合基础研究所,大连 116044)

摘 要:摘 要:褪黑素(melatonin) 是松果体中产生的一种吲哚胺类分子,具有调节睡眠、延缓衰老、调节免疫、抑制肿瘤等多项生理功能,被认为是一种具有广泛应用前景的生物激素。褪黑素已被美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA) 批准,可作为膳食补充剂使用。我国卫生部也批准褪黑素可应用于保健品中,但是褪黑素半衰期较短、绝对生物利用度较低,所以阐明其代谢途径,在安全的基础上增加利用率尤为重要。现从褪黑素的体内体外两大代谢模式进行综述,以期为未来褪黑素基础研究及临床用药提供更多理论基础。

The research progress of melatonin metabolic patterns
LIU Zhe-Yu, SUN Zheng*
(College (Institute) of Integrative Medicine, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116044, China)

Abstract: Absract: Melatonin, as a indoleamine molecule produced in the pineal gland, displays many physiological functions including regulating sleep, anti-aging, immune regulation and anti-tumor. It is considered as a compound which has extensive application prospects. Melatonin has been approved for using as the dietary supplement by FDA, and Ministry of Public Health of China has also approved melatonin as health products. It also has a short half-life and low absolute bioavailability. So it’s of great significance to find out its metabolic pathway to increase the utilization rate on a safe basis. This paper summarizes internal and external metabolic patterns from domestic and international literature so as to provide more theory for administration and research.

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