(同济大学生命科学与技术学院,上海 200092)

摘 要:摘 要:合子基因组激活作为斑马鱼胚胎发育早期的关键转折事件,其发生对早期胚胎发育和全能性的形成有着重要的意义。研究发现,合子基因组激活在不同物种中发生的时间和持续的过程有着很大的差异,且有多种因素共同参与调控合子基因组的激活过程,其中表观遗传调控是最重要的因素之一。综述了斑马鱼合子基因组激活过程中表观遗传调控因素的研究进展,包括DNA 甲基化、组蛋白修饰和核小体定位等,有助于深入理解合子基因组激活的发生过程。

Advances on the epigenetic regulation during zygotic genome activation in zebrafish
WANG Xiang-Xiu, LIU Gui-Fen*
(School of Life Science and Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: Abstract: As a key turning process in the early development of zebrafish embryos, zygotic genome activation (ZGA) has an important role in early embryonic development and the formation of totipotency. Studies found that the time and duration of ZGA show great discrepancy in different species. There are many factors involved in the regulation of ZGA and the epigenetic regulation is one of the most important factors. In this review, we summarize the advances on the epigenetic regulation during zygotic genome activation in zebrafish, including DNA methylation, histone modification and nucleosome position, which help to deeply understand the process of ZGA.

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