阮梅花1,袁天蔚1,王慧媛1,王超男1,傅 璐2,陈 静2,韩 雪3,王小理1,熊 燕1,于建荣1,张 旭4,5*
(1 中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心,上海 200031;2 上海市神经科学学会,上海 200031;
    3 中国神经科学学会,上海 200031;4 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所,
    上海 200031;5 中国科学院上海分院,中国科学院上海交叉学科研究中心,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:21 世纪未来三十年,神经科学和类脑人工智能革命性突破将不断涌现,我国神经科学和类脑人工智能面临前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。现通过访谈调研业界专家和征集反馈意见,对2020—2050 年我国经济社会发展面临的战略需求、实施相关重大科技研发计划的必要性和可能组织形式、神经科学和类脑人工智能布局和发展步骤以及具体目标进行了系统展望。建议我国神经科学和类脑人工智能未来规划布局可在国家重大科技项目“脑科学与类脑研究”和“人工智能2.0”主题的基础上,细分为3 大重点方向( 基础神经生物学、神经精神性疾病、类脑人工智能) 和2 大支撑性领域( 变革性神经科学技术、支撑平台)。同时,加强对神经生物医药及生物医学工程产业和人工智能产业的培育和支持,以在全球创新产业链的建立和人类社会新一轮发展中发挥引领作用。

The strategic option of neuroscience and brain-inspired artificial    intelligence in China: based on hundred of experts' insights
RUAN Mei-Hua1, YUAN Tian-Wei1, WANG Hui-Yuan1, WANG Chao-Nan1, FU Lu2, CHEN Jing2, HAN Xue3, WANG Xiao-Li1, XIONG Yan1, YU Jian-Rong1, ZHANG Xu4,5*
(1 Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China; 2 The Shanghai Society for Neuroscience, Shanghai 200031, China; 3 The Chinese Neuroscience Society, Shanghai 200031, China; 4 Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China; 5 Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The following three decades of 21st century will witness the revolutionary breakthroughs of neuroscience and brain-inspired artificial intelligence, which raise great opportunities for the research and development of neuroscience and artificial intelligence in China. Following the extensive consulting of over a hundred experts and the systematic analysis on their suggestions and advices about “Chinese Roadmap of Neuroscience and Brain-
    Inspired Artificial Intelligence”, we present the key results for the decision-making institutions and neuroscience communities, including the future scenarios of society and strategic demands of China’s development from 2020 to 2050, the necessity of implementing the scientific and technological programs, and the possible challenge of projects administration. On the bases of two major national programs in preparation, “Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence” and “Artificial Intelligence 2.0”, five main fields of the neuroscience and braininspired artificial intelligence have been suggested, including the basic neurobiology, the neural diseases and medicine, the brain-inspired artificial intelligence, the disruptive technology, and the supporting research platforms. Furthermore, the development of two related high-tech industries, the neuro-biomedical and bioengineering industry and the artificial intelligence industry, has been considered to lead the great trends of new economy and the dynamics of human society.

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