长春理工大学生物工程系,长春 130022

摘 要:摘 要:小干扰RNA是一种能够在各种生物体和细胞(包括蠕虫、果蝇、植物、哺乳动物)中减弱基因表达的有效工具。在哺乳动物中转染的siRNA能够抑制特殊基因的表达,这已经证明是探索基因功能、基因敲除、抗病毒研究、基因治疗的有效方法。简单、有效、特异性地抑制基因的表达具有巨大的科学、商业和医学治疗价值。如何设计和制作siRNA是影响RNA干扰效率的一个很重要的方面。本文就siRNA的设计和制作等方面作扼要的介绍。

Process of the RNA interfering molecules
XUN Heng-Jie, YU Yuan-Hua*, CAI Lin-Jun
Department of Bioengineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022, China

Abstract: Abstract:  Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is an extremely effective tool for reducing gene expression of target genes in a variety of organisms and cell types (e.g., worms, fruit flies, plants, and mammalian cells). The ability of transfected siRNAs to suppress the expression of specific transcripts has proved a useful technique to probe gene function, gene knockout, antiviral research, and gene therapy in mammalian cells. The ability to simply, effectively and specifically down-regulate the expression of genes in mammalian cells holds enormous scientific, commercial, and therapeutic potential. How to design and make good siRNAs is an important factor of efficiency of RNA interference. This article introduces some ways to design and make siRNA.
Key words: T7 promotor; siRNA; shRNA; siRNA expression cassette; U6 Pol III promotor

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