张 娜,沈星辉,王振东,张梓卉,金连弘*,雷 蕾*
(哈尔滨医科大学组织学与胚胎学教研室,哈尔滨 150081)

摘 要:摘 要:自噬是细胞中高度保守的物质降解过程,细胞内大分子物质和细胞器等经双层膜包裹运送至溶酶体,被溶酶体酶降解产生小分子物质,实现细胞内物质再循环的过程。自噬是小鼠着床前胚胎发育不可缺少的。同时,自噬在iPS 细胞诱导和体细胞核移植等重编程过程中也有重要的作用。现综述自噬基本过程及相关的主要分子机制,并讨论了自噬对早期胚胎发育和体细胞重编程的作用。

The roles of autophagy in the early embryo development and cell reprogramming
ZHANG Na, SHEN Xing-Hui, WANG Zhen-Dong, ZHANG Zi-Hui, JIN Lian-Hong*, LEI Lei*
(Department of Histology and Embryology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150081, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Autophagy is a highly conserved intracellular degradation system, by which cytoplasmic components including macromolecules and organelles are sequestered into a double-membrane vesicle, an autophagosome, and then delivered into lysosome, for breakdown and eventual recycling of cytoplasm-derived materials. Autophagy is essential for preimplantation development of mouse embryos. Moreover, it has been shown that autophagy participates in the regulation of the somatic reprogramming process, including iPS cell induction and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this review, we provide an overview of the core molecular machinery of autophagic degradation system, describe the roles of autophagy in the early embryo development and cell reprogramming.

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