蔡 梦,赵晓航,孙玉琳*
(国家癌症中心/中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院,北京 100021)

摘 要:摘 要:尿液来源于血液,除泌尿系统外,还可以反映身体其他脏器、器官的生理或病理改变。随着蛋白质检测分析技术的进步,健康人尿液中的蛋白质数量被认为有5 000 种以上。由于其可以通过非侵入性的方式大量收集,近七八年来,大量的研究开始使用尿液作为非泌尿系统肿瘤标志物研究的重要样本。总结了尿蛋白作为肿瘤标志物来源的优缺点,以及11 种常见非泌尿系统肿瘤中发现的尿蛋白标志物,并对尿蛋白标志物的临床应用前景进行了归纳分析与展望,以期促进这些潜在标志物的临床应用以及这一领域的发展。

Research progress of urinary protein markers in human non-urogenital system tumors
CAI Meng, ZHAO Xiao-Hang, SUN Yu-Lin*
(National Cancer Center/Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academgy of Medical Sciences
    and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Urine is derived from the blood, therefore, it can reflect the alternation of physiology and pathology in human organs besides urogenital system. Along with the development of protein analysis technology, the amount of urinary proteins in healthy people is believed to be more than 5000. Because urine can be collected non-invasively, over the past eight years, numerous studies have started to use urine as an important sample for tumor biomarker research in the non-urogenital system tumors. In this review, we summarized the advantages and disadvantages of urinary protein markers. And the urinary markers in 11 kinds of common tumors are systematically summarized which may accelerate the clinical application of these potential biomarkers and promote the development and progress of this field in the future.

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