王胜昌,涂海甫,胡 丹,吴 奈,岑 祥,熊立仲*
(华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室及国家植物基因研究中心,武汉 430070)

摘 要:摘 要:水稻遭受的非生物逆境包括干旱、淹涝、盐害、低温、高温等。非生物逆境抗性有着复杂的遗传和分子基础,解析水稻非生物逆境抗性的机制将有助于抗逆新品种的培育。抗逆性受到很多小效应遗传位点的控制,成百上千个与形态和生理响应以及发育相关的基因和抗逆性相关。尽管在水稻中已鉴定了很多抗逆相关基因,但直接利用抗逆基因进行水稻抗逆遗传改良的成功例子还非常少。最近的抗逆基因功能研究发现,很多基因在形态和生理水平响应或调控不同的逆境,这为理解水稻复杂的抗逆机制提供了新的线索。现简要概述了近年来水稻主要非生物逆境抗性相关基因分离和功能鉴定方面的研究进展。

The exploitation of rice functional genes for abiotic stress
WANG Sheng-Chang, TU Hai-Fu, HU Dan, WU Nai, CEN Xiang, XIONG Li-Zhong*
(State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and National Center of Plant Gene Research, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: The major abiotic stresses for rice include drought, submergence, salinity, low temperature, heat, etc. Abiotic stress resistance has complex genetic and molecular bases. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying stress
    resistance of rice will accelerate the development of new varieties with enhanced resistance to the abiotic stresses.Stress resistance is controlled by numerous small-effect loci. Hundreds of genes controlling various morphological
    and physiological responses and developmental processes are involved in stress resistance, and these genes are collectively called stress-related genes. Although numerous genes have been characterized for their diverse roles in stress resistance, very few of them have been successfully applied in breeding, suggesting the complexity of stress resistance. Recent functional studies uncovered many genes that control various morphological and physiological responses to different stresses, which may provide new insight into understanding the complex mechanisms of stress resistance in rice. The progress in genetic, genomic, and molecular studies of stress resistance in rice in recent years is briefly reviewed in this article.

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