李一博*,赵 雷
(华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,武汉 430070)

摘 要:摘 要:改善稻米品质是水稻遗传改良及基础研究的重要目标。破解控制稻米重要品质性状形成的调控机制,对稻米品质改良和品种选育具有十分重要的意义。近十多年来,稻米品质功能基因组研究成果为其遗传改良提供了丰富的功能基因、有效的功能性分子标记及良好的改良策略。但是,稻米品质本身由多个性状构成,且各品质性状间、品质与产量性状间、品质与环境间均互相影响,极大地限制了稻米品质的遗传改良。因此,文中提出了未来水稻品质性状基础研究及遗传改良的六个关键科学问题。

Genetic improvement and key scientific questions of grain quality traits in rice
LI Yi-Bo*, ZHAO Lei
(National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Improving grain quality is a key aim of both genetic improvement and basic research in rice. It makes important sense in breeding quality varieties to uncover the regulating mechanisms for the formation of grain quality traits. In the past decade, with the fast development of rice functional genomics, many functional genes, useful functional markers and effective strategies have been provided to advance grain quality. However, many challenges, such as the diversity of quality traits, and the complex relationship among quality traits, yield traits and environmental factors, greatly limit the improvement progresses. Thus, we propose six key scientific questions for both applied and basic research of grain quality traits in rice in the near future.

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