(华中农业大学国家农作物分子技术育种中心,作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,武汉 430070)

摘 要:摘 要:水稻功能基因组学和水稻育种研究都已进入大规模、高通量时代。表型信息获取与分析是水稻功能基因组学和现代作物育种研究的基础。目前,表型检测主要停留在传统人工获取的阶段,劳动量大,效率低,对大批量水稻样本的生长测量几乎不可行,表型数据的质量受人工主观因素影响也较大。某些表型参数的获取还需破坏性测量,无法实现连续测量。近年来,表型组学的兴起给解决这一问题带来了新的契机。现以水稻为主,对表型组学的国内外研究现状展开综述,并对表型组学的未来进行分析与展望。

Research advances and future scenarios of rice phenomics
DUAN Ling-Feng, YANG Wan-Neng*
(National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, National Center of Plant Gene Research, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Functional genomics and crop breeding have reached the large-scale and high-throughput stage. Extraction and analysis of plant phenotypic information is essential for functional genomics and crop breeding. In the past, extraction of plant phenotypic information has mainly relied on traditional manual measurement, which is labor intensive, inefficient and error-prone, making growth investigation of large-scale plant population almost impossible. Especially, manual measurement of some phenotypic information involves in destructive sampling, thus it is unable for repeated inspection on the same plant. Plant phenomics has brought about new opportunities to address these issues. In this review, we summarize recent studies and the challenges in plant phenomics.

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