(1 华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,武汉 430070;2 中国农科院作物科学研究所,北京 100080)

摘 要:摘 要:水稻种质资源群体分为自然种质资源和遗传资源两类,是作物遗传改良和功能基因组学研究的基础材料。现简要介绍利用水稻种质资源群体开展全基因组关联分析定位数量性状位点、剖析基因变异与功能多样性、发掘与利用有利基因、分析基因组多样性及驯化选择区域等方面的研究进展及其展望。

Rice germplasm and its pivotal role in functional genomics research
YU Si-Bin1*, SUN Wen-Qiang1, WANG Ji-Lin1, LI Zhi-Kang2
(1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Rice germplasm collections are the fundamental resources for crop genetic improvement and functional genomics research. The rice germplasm is composed of natural accessions and artificial genetic populations. It represents a rich reservoir for genome-wide association studies of identifying quantitative trait loci, dissecting gene structure variation and functional diversity, exploiting favorable alleles, exploring genome diversity and its pivotal role in rice domestication and selection. This paper presents an overview of current advances and prospects of the utilization of the genetic resources in rice.

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