(泰安市中医医院,泰安 271000)

摘 要:摘 要:许多抗生素杀死细菌时,可促使内毒素从细菌外膜释放。感染病灶内的革兰阴性菌死亡后释放进入血液的内毒素,或由大量污染液体输入而进入体内的内毒素,可通过与机体一系列连锁反应促进免疫活性因子和炎症反应介质的释放,从而引起局部水肿、充血及微循环障碍等,即内毒素血症。由抗生素诱导的内毒素血症与细菌的种类,抗生素的种类、浓度、给药方式等均有关。因此,临床医生应合理应用抗生素,将副作用降到最低。

Advances in the research of antibiotics-induced endotoxemia
LIU Yang-Dong
(Tai’an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai’an 271000, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Endotoxin would be released from the outer membrane of bacteria when they were killed. The endotoxin, released into the blood from gram negative bacteria in the focals after their death or brought in by infusing a large amount of contaminated liquid, can promote the emergency of immuno-active factors and inflammatory responses through a series of chain reactions of the body, resulting in local edema, hyperemia and microcirculation disturbance. etc, namely endotoxemia. Endotoxemia induced by antibiotics is related to the type of antibiotics and bacteria, the concentration of the antibiotics and the way they are administrated. Therefore, clinicians should reasonably use antibiotics to minimize the side effects.

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