(上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院,上海 200234)

摘 要:摘 要:蝶类所蕴含的生态和形态多样性信息十分丰富,并一直作为进化生物学和生态学研究的模型系统之一。随着分子生物学的发展,分子生物学技术被广泛应用于蝶类系统学研究。但随着研究的深入,简单的分子片段已不能满足研究的需求,需要挖掘新的分子标记。近年来,线粒体全基因组已成为蝶类分子系统学研究中的重要分子标记之一,并广泛应用于蝶类各阶元的研究中。就蝶类线粒体基因组的测序进展、基因组的结构特征、线粒体基因( 蛋白质编码基因、tRNA 基因、rRNA 基因) 的特征、A+T 富集区的特征、基因重叠现象及线粒体基因组在分子系统学方面的应用进行了概述,同时也分析了线粒体基因组在应用中存在的一些问题。

Research progress in mitochondrial genomics of butterflies
HE Hai-Yan, YU Wei-Dong, JIANG Wei-Bin*
(College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Butterflies have long been served as a model system for ecological and evolutionary studies because of their high degree of diversity and complexity. With the development of molecular biology, the molecular biology techniques are widely used to study on the phylogeny of butterflies. However, with the development of the research, the single molecular fragment cannot meet the research requirements. New molecular markers need to be explored. Recently, the mitochondrial genome has become one of the important molecular markers to explore different categories of butterflies. Here we review the progress in this field, including the sequencing progress in mitochondrial genome of butterflies, structure characteristics of genome, characteristics of protein-coding genes,tRNA genes and rRNA genes, the characteristic of A+T-rich region, the phenomenon of gene overlapping and the application in molecular systematics of mitochondrial genome.

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