(荷兰马斯特里赫特大学法学院,马斯特里赫特 6200 MD)

摘 要:摘 要:干细胞研究及产业的发展离不开知识产权保护,其保护水平随着中国社会经济及技术水平的发展而不断提高。分析中国干细胞有关的知识产权保护现状,并从伦理限制与科技进步、垄断权与公共利益、法律规定的明确性、知识产权意识四个方面对知识产权制度下的干细胞保护进行困境解读,期冀为中国干细胞研究与转化过程中的知识产权保护提供对策建议。

Intellectual property protection concerning stem cell research in China:    predicament and solutions
PENG Yao-Jin
(Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands)

Abstract: Abstract: Intellectual property (IP) protection is extremely essential to the development of stem cell research and industry. With the advance of social economy and stem cell research, IP protection in China in this research field has been strengthening gradually. The paper analyzes IP issues concerning stem cell research and industry in China,particularly moral restrains, public interests, the certainty of statutory provisions, and the consciousness of IP protection, and, then, provides several suggestions for improving IP protection in this research field in China.

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