(中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:将通过干细胞技术产生的功能肝细胞应用于人类肝脏疾病的治疗一直是近几年科学家们努力的方向。目前,除了肝移植以外,尚没有其他有效手段治疗肝衰竭等疾病。惠利健实验室在中科院“干细胞与再生医学研究”战略性科技先导专项的攻关项目“生物人工肝的研发”支持下,以研制新的生物人工肝种子细胞,搭建全新的生物人工肝反应器和支持系统为突破点,期望为肝衰竭患者提供短暂的肝功能支持,从而拯救肝衰竭患者的生命并为肝移植患者争取宝贵的时间。特对项目启动5 年以来惠利健实验室所取得的主要研究成果进行综述。

Advances in research of bioartificial liver
Gao Yi-Meng, Sun Lu-Lu, Hui Li-Jian*
(Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: It is still an unmet goal to use functional hepatocytes generated by stem cell technology for treatment of human liver diseases. Liver transplantation is so far the only efficient treatment for end-stage liver failures, which is however limited by the shortage of donor organs. “The research and development of the bioartificial liver supporting system” is one of the key programs of the Strategic Priority Research Projecton Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine launched by Chinese Academy of Sciences. By development of new functional hepatocytes (hiHep cells) and adapting them into available bioreactors, we generate a new model of bioartificial liver supporting system (hiHep-BAL) with the aim to providing hepatic function support for patients with acute liver failures or acute-onchronic liver failure. Recently, the pre-clinical studies of hiHep-BAL on large animals demonstrated its therapeutic effect on liver failure pigs. Here, we reviewed our research progress and achievements in this five-year project.

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