王 猛,王秀杰*
(中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要:摘 要:非编码RNA 是指不翻译成蛋白质,以RNA 形式行使功能的生物分子。非编码RNA 能够在转录与转录后水平调节基因表达,在表观遗传调控中扮演极其重要的角色。除了非编码RNA 外,mRNA 分子中腺嘌呤第6 位氮原子上的甲基化修饰(N 6-methyladenosine,m6A) 也可以在转录后水平调控基因表达。越来越多的研究表明,非编码RNA 和m6A 甲基化修饰在干细胞多能性和细胞命运的调控中发挥重要作用。现结合国内外同行的进展,对中国科学院干细胞与再生医学先导专项在非编码RNA 和m6A 甲基化修饰对干细胞多能性与细胞重编程影响研究中的部分成果进行介绍。

Impacts of non-coding RNAs and RNA modification on cell pluripotency and reprogramming
WANG Meng, WANG Xiu-Jie*
(Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Non-coding RNAs refer to RNA molecules not being translated into proteins, but function at the RNA level. Non-coding RNAs could modify gene expression either transcriptionally or post-translationally, thus play essential roles in epigenetic regulation. Besides non-coding RNAs, the N 6-methyladenosine (m6A) of adenosine also regulates posttranscriptional gene expression. Increasing lines of evidence have shown that both non-coding RNAs and m6A modification are key factors for stem cell pluripotency and cell fate control. Here we will introduce the achievements made by the RNA research group during the supporting period of the “Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine” Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, especially on the functional studies of non-coding RNAs and m6A modification on stem cell pluripotency and cell reprogramming.

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