(中国科学院生物物理研究所,中国科学院核酸生物学重点实验室,北京 100101)

摘 要:摘 要:CRISPR-Cas 系统是近年来在细菌和古菌中发现的一种获得性免疫防御系统。利用这种系统,细菌和古菌可以有效地识别并且降解入侵的核酸。在此过程中,细菌和古菌需要产生一种非编码核酸——crRNA,并且在crRNA 的引导下,由多种Cas 蛋白一起协同工作,共同实现对外源核酸的捕获和清除。基于近几年的研究进展,现对crRNA 的产生和干扰机制进行了综述,同时对今后的研究方向进行了展望。

Molecular mechanism of crRNA biogenesis    and interference in CRISPR-Cas system
ZHAO Hong-Tu, WANG Yan-Li*
(Key Laboratory of RNA Biology, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Abstract: CRISPR-Cas system has been recognized as an adaptive immune system in bacteria and archaea recently. Using this system, prokaryote could target and degrade invading nucleic acids effectively. During this process, a novel kind of non-coding RNA–crRNA is generated and required by guiding multiple Cas proteins working together to capture and eliminate foreign DNA or RNA. Based on achievements in recent years, we review the mechanism of crRNA biogenesis and interference, and propose the future research interests in this field.

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