陈永熙,周 同*,赵亚鹏,吴开胤,陈 楠
上海交通大学医学院瑞金医院肾脏科,上海 200025

摘 要:摘 要:树突状细胞(DC)是目前所知体内功能最强大的专职抗原递呈细胞,它既能启动初始免疫应答,也能负向调控免疫反应,具有独特的免疫调节功能。DC-SIGN属于DC表面C型凝集素受体超家族成员,它既是DC病原体模式识别和黏附受体,又作为DC特征性多功能免疫分子,参与DC免疫调节作用。DC-SIGN在调节DC黏附迁移及炎症反应,激活初始T细胞及启动免疫应答,以及病原体与肿瘤的免疫逃逸等诸多方面发挥重要作用,已日益受到人们的关注。而对DC-SIGN在天然免疫和获得性免疫中调节作用及其相关机制的更深入研究,可为临床相关疾病机制探讨与防治进一步提供新的有力依据和干预途径。

DC-SIGN and immunoloregulation
CHEN Yong-Xi, ZHOU Tong*, ZHAO Ya-Peng, WU Kai-Yin, CHEN Nan
Department of Nephrology, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School, Shanghai 200025, China

Abstract: Abstract: Dendritic cell (DC) is known to be the most powerful professional antigen-presenting cell so far. It could not only activate primary immune response, but downregulate immune response. DC has a unique character of immunoregulation. DC-SIGN is one member of the C-type lectin superfamily. It is not only the pattern recognition receptor but participates in immunoregulation of DCs. DC-SIGN has become hotspot of recent studies because of its important role in mediating DCs adhesion, migration, inflammation, activating primary T cell, triggering immune response and participating in immune escape of pathogen and tumor. Thorough studies on DC-SIGN in primary immunology, secondary immunology and relevant mechanism will certain provide us with a new method in treating and preventing certain diseases.
Key words: dendritic cell; DC-SIGN; pattern recognition receptor; adhesion and migration; immune response; immune escape

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