李 洁,黄皑雪,邵宁生*
(军事医学科学院基础医学研究所,北京 100850)

摘 要:摘 要:非编码RNA (ncRNA) 是指非蛋白质编码的其他所有RNA,大小为20~10 000 nt,广泛存在于各种生物尤其是哺乳动物细胞中。ncRNA 在细胞的各种生命活动中发挥重要生物学功能。ncRNA 按生物学功能特性可以分为看家ncRNA 和调节性ncRNA 两类,按大小可以分为小ncRNA (< 50 nt)、中等长度ncRNA(50~200 nt) 和长ncRNA (> 200 nt) 三类。不同长度的ncRNA 与靶分子的作用方式有各自特点,从而也决定了各自具有相对独特的生物学作用。以哺乳动物细胞中常见的不同长度非编码RNA 为例,对各类长度ncRNA 识别靶分子的方式及生物学作用特点做一综述,以期为全面认识ncRNA 的结构及生物学功能多样性提供帮助。

Target recognition types and biological function characteristics of ncRNAs in different length in mammalian cells
LI Jie, HUANG Ai-Xue, SHAO Ning-Sheng*
(Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Non-coding RNA (ncRNA) is RNA that does not encode a protein, range 20-10000 nt in size, widespreadly existing in all species especially in mammalian cells. NcRNAs play important roles in all kinds of cellular processes. NcRNAs can be classed as regulatory RNAs and housekeeping RNAs by function. According to the sizes, ncRNAs can also be roughly divided into three categories: small ncRNAs (< 50 nt), middle size ncRNAs (50-200 nt) and lncRNAs (> 200 nt ). NcRNAs in different lengths have different target recognition types which determine their specific functional characteristics. In this paper, we reviewed the target recognition types and biological function characteristics of ncRNAs in different length in mammalian cells. We hope our thinking about ncRNAs will be help to understand the mutiple structure and function of ncRNAs.

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