(扬州大学农业部畜禽传染病学重点开放实验室,扬州 225009)

摘 要:摘 要:新城疫病毒属于副黏病毒科禽腮腺炎病毒属(Avulavirus),病毒的基因组为单股、负链、不分节段的RNA,因此,病毒基因组自身变异的频率较高,是新城疫病毒进化的主要因素。同时,新城疫病毒的多宿主特性和疫苗的频繁使用等因素对病毒的进化也起到了促进作用。病毒在进化过程中出现了多个基因型和基因亚型,并导致了病毒宿主感染范围的扩大、毒力的多样性和抗原性的变异。

The heredity and evolution of Newcastle disease virus
HU Shun-Lin, LIU Xiu-Fan*
(Key Laboratory of Animal Infectious Disease, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a member of the genus Avulavirus in the family Paramyxoviridae. The genome of NDV is a non-segmented, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA. Therefore, the frequency of genomic variation is relatively high due to the inherent error rate of the RNA polymerase-dependent RNA replication, which is the main driving force for virus evolution. Additionally, the multiple host range for NDV and frequent vaccination for the control of ND also promote the NDV evolution. During the evolution, NDV has generated variants of multigenotypes and subgenotypes, resulting in expanded host range, virulence diversity and antigenic variations.

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