(山东农业大学动物医学院,泰安 271018)

摘 要:摘 要:禽白血病病毒(avian leucosis virus, ALV) 是最易发生突变的病毒之一,它有多个亚群,其中感染性和致病性最强的J 亚群(ALV-J) 的囊膜蛋白gp85 基因和LTR 片段的变异性更强。ALV-J 不同毒株间gp85差异很大,即使同一株病毒或同一分离物内的准种也有很大的多样性。在1988 年ALV-J 出现后最初的10年里,基本上只在白羽肉鸡中流行。最近10 多年在我国的流行中,它又逐步适应蛋用型鸡、黄羽肉鸡及多种我国固有的地方品种鸡,而且诱发肿瘤细胞的类型也逐渐多样化,显然这与病毒的演变有关。现汇集了过去25 年里国内外147 个代表毒株的gp85 序列及部分毒株的LTR 序列,利用现代病毒分子流行病学技术,比较分析了ALV-J 的准种多样性及其在不同选择压作用下的演变。以此为预测ALV 进一步演变及制定更有效的预防控制措施提供新的科学数据。

Multiplicity of subgroups and viral quasispecies of avian leucosis viruses and its evolution under different selective pressures
CUI Zhi-Zhong
(College of Veterinary Medicine, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Avian leucosis virus (ALV) is one of the most variable viruses, and has many subgroups. Its subgroup J (ALV-J) is much more transmissible and pathogenic than all other subgroups. It was demonstrated ALV-J has a great multiplicity of its quasispecies even in the same stock or in the same isolates of a same strain. During the first decade since its first isolation in 1988, it mainly infected white broiler chickens causing myeloid leukemia. But in the recent decade, it gradually spreads into layers, Chinese “yellow” chickens and local indigenous breeds, and caused tumors in various tissues with different types of cells. Apparently, it was closely related to the genetic evolutions of ALV-J. In this review, gp85 sequences of 147 ALV-J strains isolated from different types of chicken farms in China and other countries during the last 25 years were collected and summarized for analysis and comparison of homology relationships and their evolution under different selective pressures. LTR (long terminal repeat) fragments were also analyzed and compared for some strains. The information would be helpful to better predict further evolution trends of ALV-J and make more effective measures for control and prevention of ALV infection in chickens.

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