(1 中国科学院生物物理研究所,中科院感染与免疫重点实验室,北京 100101;
    2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3 中科院生物大分子科教融合卓越中心,北京 100101)

摘 要:摘 要:肠道稳态对维持肠道正常生理功能具有重要意义。位于肠道上皮隐窝的潘氏细胞是肠道上皮屏障的重要组成部分,它们分泌大量生物效应分子,为小肠干细胞提供小生境以及调控肠道菌群。炎症性肠炎克罗恩病经常伴随潘氏细胞功能异常,Nod2、Xbp-1、Atg16L1、KCNN4 等克罗恩病的易感基因在潘氏细胞中高表达,并调控潘氏细胞的重要生理活动。对潘氏细胞的研究有望揭示维持肠道稳态的生理机制,攻克炎症性肠炎等疾病的难关。

The role of Paneth cells in intestinal homeostasis
ZHANG Xin-Wen1,2, WANG Hai-Fang1,2, LIU Zhi-Hua1,3*
(1 CAS Key Laboratory of Infection and Immunity, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3 CAS Center for Excellence in Biomacromolecules, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Intestinal homeostasis is critical for maintaining normal intestinal physiological function. Paneth cells, which locate in the intestinal epithelial crypts, are important components of the intestinal epithelial barrier. They secrete biological molecules providing niche for intestinal crypt stem cells and regulating intestinal microbiota. Crohn’s disease (CD) is often accompanied by Paneth cell dysfunction. Susceptibility genes associated with CD,including Nod2, Xbp-1, Atg16L1 and KCNN4, are highly expressed in Paneth cells and play important roles in regulating cellular processes in Paneth cells. Future study on Paneth cells will reveal the mechanisms in maintaining intestinal homeostasis, which may hold the therapeutic potential for inflammatory bowel disease and other related diseases.

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