王 艳,肖意传*
(上海交通大学医学院/中国科学院上海生命科学研究院健康科学研究所,上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:蛋白质泛素化是一种广泛存在于真核细胞内的蛋白质翻译后修饰作用,其最初是通过研究细胞内蛋白质降解的机制而被发现。越来越多的证据表明,泛素化及其逆过程—— 去泛素化作用,通过调节免疫系统中不同种类细胞的功能,在固有免疫和适应性免疫应答过程中发挥了关键性调控作用,从而影响人类多种重大疾病,如自身免疫性疾病、感染性疾病和恶性肿瘤的发生发展。综述将着重讨论蛋白质泛素化作用对不同免疫细胞功能的调控以及在重大疾病病理调控中的作用的最新研究进展。

The role of protein ubiquitination in the immune regulation
WANG Yan, XIAO Yi-Chuan*
(Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200031, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Protein ubiquitylation is a post-translational modification that existed widely in eukaryotic cells. This phenomenon was initially described in the studies of the mechanism of cytosol protein degradation. There is increasing evidence that both ubiquitination and its reversal process, deubiquitination, play crucial roles in innate and adaptive immune response by regulating the function of the different immune cells, consequently controlling occurrence and development of a variety of human diseases, including autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and malignant tumors. In this review, we focus on the latest research progresses on the role of ubiquitylation in the regulation of immune cell function and the development of multiple human diseases.

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